Identifying Actionable Areas for Improvement

The Digital Readiness Assessment is a 40-question assessment of the current state of your organization for digital readiness along seven core dimensions: strategy, organization, leadership, technology, flow and, culture and people. It provides guidance for progressing on your digital transformation path.

The Digital Readiness Assessment provides a structured and unbiased framework for evaluating your organization’s current digital maturity.

By systematically analyzing seven core dimensions, the assessment offers a clear, comprehensive view of both strengths and areas needing improvement.

Become an Enterprise Member or Transformation Partner

The Digital Readiness AssessmentTM is exclusively available to enterprise members and transformation partners.. Consult an expert to learn how you can access this and additional research, insights, tools, and guidance.

Invest in the Right Initiatives

Confidently Identify Next Best Step to Advance Your Digital Transformation

As a baseline assessment, it targets areas of strength and those in need of improvement, allowing you to tailor your transformation strategies effectively. By understanding the current status this way, your organization is better positioned to chart out a transformation plan that aligns with your overarching objectives.

Strategy and Governance

Understand and respond to changing opportunities and threats, by creating a clear vision, aligning IT with business strategy and implementing effective governance.


Evaluates how the organization’s structure supports value delivery and aligns with funding a product based approach.


Evaluates how leadership practices, like agility and distributed leadership, reflect strategy, governance and organization.


Assesses if the technology – including hardware, software, tools, and platforms – stack is able to deliver digital products at scale.


Measures the speed and effectiveness of value flow from the organization to customers, and vice versa, promoting continuous improvement based on feedback.

Culture and People

Assesses the organizationโ€™s culture, systems, values and behavior in the context of its digital operations.



Align the organization on the current digital status, where you want to be and how to get there.


Identify Gaps

Gain a better understanding of what you need to strengthen and improve during or before your transformation, in order to increase chances for success.



Formulate strong internal selling to key stakeholders.



Develop internal capabilities to build a sustainable, long term and agile organization that is positioned to thrive in the volatile market.



Enhance competitive edge, strengthening your business and gaining new market opportunities.

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“The Digital Readiness Assessment provides a crystal-clear lens to view your current digital capabilities, and areas of improvement.”

Sebastiaan Laurijsse

Global Head of Manufacturing High Tech at ServiceNow

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