Author: joey.vankuilenburg

  • Introduction to the DASA Intelligent Continuous Security Product Suite

    While most organizations focus on security during the design phase, vulnerabilities often emerge later, during the operations phase, where evolving infrastructure and environmental changes expose new threats. That’s where traditional approaches are falling short. Without the right skillset, mindset, processes and toolset, vulnerabilities can (and likely will) slip through the cracks, putting your organization at…

  • DevOps Principles and Practices – a Leadership Perspective

    In this webinar, Troy will share what Leaders need to understand the various best practices and emerging technologies related to DevOps such as (Lean IT, Agile, Theory Of Constraints, Continuous Integration and Deployment and IT Service Management). He will also discuss how these key elements can apply to more than just software to enable organizational…

  • DASA DevOps Principle #4 Cross Functional Autonomous Teams

    In product organizations with vertical, fully responsible teams, these teams need to be entirely independent throughout the whole lifecycle. That requires a balanced set of skills and also highlights the need for team members with T-shaped all-round profiles instead of old-school IT specialists who are only knowledgeable or skilled in for example testing, requirements analysis…

  • DevOps Principle #1 -Customer-Centric Action

    It is imperative nowadays to have short feedback loops with real customers and end-users, and that all activity in building IT products and services centers around these clients. To be able to meet these customers’ requirements, DevOps organizations require the guts to act as lean startups that innovate continuously, pivot when an individual strategy is…

  • DASA DevOps Principles, Competence Model and Fundamentals Course

    DASA is an independent and open association supporting the development of high-performance IT organizations through agile DevOps initiatives. DASA offers thought leadership as well as practical guidance for competence development for professionals and organizations. Our DASA Master Webinar Series has been designed to provide you the opportunity to hear directly from DevOps SME’s and Subject…

  • DASA DevOps Principle #2 Create with the end in mind

    Organizations need to let go of waterfall and process-oriented models where each unit or individual works only for a particular role/function, without overseeing the complete picture. They need to act as product companies that explicitly focus on building working products sold to real customers, and all employees need to share the engineering mindset that is…

  • “DASA DevOps in Action” – GamingWorks’ The Phoenix Project Business Simulation

    During this webinar, Paul Wilkinson, co-Founder of GamingWorks and DevOps Agile Skills Association (DASA) Forerunner member shares details about GamingWorks’ The Phoenix Project Business Simulation, which is a DevOps training program based on the best-selling novel by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford. Both the book and the Simulation focus on IT, DevOps and…