Author: DASA

  • Business Objectives and Portfolio Elements

    Business Objectives and Portfolio Elements

    Exploring the concepts of business objectives and their relationship with the components of portfolio management – portfolio vision, portfolio strategy, and portfolio roadmap: 1. Business Objectives: 2. Portfolio Vision:  3. Portfolio Strategy:  4. Portfolio Roadmap:  In essence, business objectives are the guiding stars of an organization, setting the strategic direction. The portfolio vision ensures that…

  • OGSM: Strategy Alignment for Success

    OGSM: Strategy Alignment for Success

    OGSM, an acronym for Objectives, Goals, Strategies and Measures, is a structured and comprehensive methodology for strategic planning and execution within organizations. It provides a clear framework for aligning various aspects of an organization’s operations with its strategic objectives. Objectives (O): Objectives are overarching, qualitative statements that define the desired outcomes an organization aims to…

  • Tools for Monitoring and Tracking OKR Progress

    Tools for Monitoring and Tracking OKR Progress

    There are several tools available to monitor and visualize OKR progress. These tools help organizations track and display the status of their Objectives and Key Results in real-time, providing valuable insights for data-driven decision-making. Some popular tools for monitoring and visualizing OKR progress include: OKR Software Platforms: There are dedicated OKR software platforms that allow…

  • A Platform Team as the Solution to DevOps Anti-Types

    A Platform Team as the Solution to DevOps Anti-Types

    Organizations can sometimes engage in bad practices when adopting DevOps, which can actually hinder the successful adoption of a DevOps culture and mindset. Addressing the DevOps Anti-Types  How These Solutions Address the Anti-Types  DASA Platform Engineering DASA Platform Engineering certification program ensures all stakeholders become champions of Platform Engineering, clearly articulating its value. It enables…

  • Platform Engineering Rises from DevOps

    Platform Engineering Rises from DevOps

    Platform engineering stems from DevOps, which is about collaboration. It is about developer acceleration, where the whole objective is that Platform Engineering will create a fabric where developers can become autonomous.  Through the use of that fabric and close collaboration with development teams, we’ll be able to promote the continuous improvement of this platform, which…

  • Creating a Culture of High Performance

    Creating a Culture of High Performance

    This article is part of a series on transforming into a high-performance digital organization. To explore the six key themes and start your transformation journey, click here → Creating a high-performance culture is essential for sustaining the benefits of agile and DevOps practices. A culture that fosters a growth mindset, encourages continuous learning, and ensures psychological safety…

  • Modernizing IT Operations & Infrastructure

    Modernizing IT Operations & Infrastructure

    This article is part of a series on transforming into a high-performance digital organization. To explore the six key themes and start your transformation journey, click here → Modernizing IT operations and infrastructure is a fundamental step towards achieving agility, scalability, and efficiency in a digital-first world. As organizations strive to keep up with rapid technological advancements,…

  • Trust and growth: How DASA’s name helped Vijfhart meet market demands

    Trust and growth: How DASA’s name helped Vijfhart meet market demands

    About Vijfhart (in Dutch: Five heart) is the largest independent IT training provider in the Netherlands. In their 38 years of operation, they have provided specialized training and courses to over half a million IT professionals. The Challenge Raising standards and raising awareness. Our product management team constantly looks for new technologies and new ways…

  • Key Takeaways from Embracing Talent Transformation Through Leadership

    Key Takeaways from Embracing Talent Transformation Through Leadership

    Introduction Digital transformation is a rapidly accelerating trend, and organizations are feeling the pressure to adapt. In order to succeed, businesses must focus on people as a key dimension of transformation. However, many transformation initiatives fail because they do not provide enough focus on enabling, motivating, and engaging people in the transformation journey. At the…

  • How Computrain Drives Growth Using DASA’s DevOps Courses

    How Computrain Drives Growth Using DASA’s DevOps Courses

    DASA is continually developing the DevOps course curriculum and refreshing the materials. You get more than just ‘here’s the course and good luck.’ They really want to build the market together. Sjon Post, Computrain Portfolio Manager About Computrain is a leading Dutch IT training organization with a rich 40-year history and broad portfolio of digital…